Hi selunchen, I really like your Maroon stories but it is confusing for me to read it. Which is the Ist chapter and why so many authors? Or names writing it? I don’t know where to start and How can I subscribe to the story as one? Thanks! Hope I wasn’t a bother


Dear anon! I totally get it – a lot of time between when stuff is posted and I’m not the best at providing links. 

Question 1: what order should we read in? 

Let me help you out here. We begin here:

  1. Maroon (the comic) – Part 1 @selunchen
  2. Maroon (the comic) – Part 2 @selunchen
  3. Abandon (follows the comic immediately) – @avidvampirehunter
  4. Reunion (takes place around 3 weeks ish after the comic ) – @destinieswritten
  5. Give (sometime after all of the other stories, but I guess pretty early in their relationship) – @voicedimplosives
  6. Unnamed TBA@reyloner
  7. Unnamed TBA @selunchen

When all is done, I plan on combining it all in a lovely PDF for download!

Question 2: Why so many authors? and can you subscribe?

  • I am not much of a writer. 
  • comics take a long time! so If I was to do all the stories as art, it would take 100 years! It was nothing something I planned in the beginning, but sort of just grew as an idea as I moved through my own story – and then I just…asked.
  • The authors are some of my best pals on here, and I thought it would be fun to include them in this. 
  • there’s something super interesting about this type of collab and for me to see how they approach the material I give them. I’ve been so happy about it! Also, all of these people have different projects and asking them to write a 5-6 chapter story seemed a bit *too* much. 

In terms of subscription, I think the best approach is to follow me on twitter or tumblr. I post all the collabs here 🙂 Or maybe I’ll do a thing on Ao3. Undecided! 

Hope this was helpful ❤ 


id like to thank the venom fandom, the true last bastion of nsfw fanart on this hellsite. ive been here for like seven years and its just so fitting that the last explosion of horny art, the last gasp if you will, was lovingly rendered monsterfucking slime tenderly jacking off its host, tom hardy



@DelReyStarWars: Summer 2019 – THRAWN: TREASON by Timothy Zahn. Set before the finale of Rebels, Thrawn’s Imperial loyalty is tested, he crosses paths with Orson Krennic, and his protégé Eli Vanto returns with dire warnings about Thrawn’s homeworld.

Grand Admiral Thrawn faces the ultimate test of his loyalty to the Empire in this epic Star Wars novel from bestselling author Timothy Zahn.

“If I were to serve the Empire, you would command my allegiance.”

Such was the promise Grand Admiral Thrawn made to Emperor Palpatine at their first meeting. Since then, Thrawn has been one of the Empire’s most effective instruments, pursuing its enemies to the very edges of the known galaxy. But as keen a weapon as Thrawn has become, the Emperor dreams of something far more destructive.

Now, as Thrawn’s TIE defender program is halted in favor of Director Krennic’s secret Death Star project, he realizes that the balance of power in the Empire is measured by more than just military acumen or tactical efficiency. Even the greatest intellect can hardly compete with the power to annihilate entire planets.

As Thrawn works to secure his place in the Imperial hierarchy, his former protégé Eli Vanto returns with a dire warning about Thrawn’s homeworld. Thrawn’s mastery of strategy must guide him through an impossible choice: duty to the Chiss Ascendancy, or fealty to the Empire he has sworn to serve. Even if the right choice means committing treason.

Eli’s back, ELI’S BACK, ELI’S BACK!!!!!!



-never let me go-

I reached 200 followers, and it’s something I’m happy about, for how small it may seem to many people. I was planning on posting something more complex (and nakey) to celebrate, but wouldn’t it be sad if no one could see it because it’s flagged? 

So I backed up on this old reylo hug sketch with some photoshop greyscaling (it’s a tecnique that’s starting to grow on me)

hoping that you’re all haviing a good day, stay strong fellow reylos!

This is gorgeous! 🖤