
Guys, Full of Sith podcast has a recording up of an interview with Dave Filoni re:Rebels

It’s really cool. I’m only a few minutes in, but his comments on the World Between Worlds is really, really interesting. It is NOT TIME TRAVEL. Properly speaking the question of Ahsoka living is like Schroedinger’s Cat. Whether she is alive our dead remains unanswered until Ezra sees and interferes. He relates it as a visual representation of how Luke sees the future through the Force in Empire.

The rest here are my own thoughts. Looking forward to listening to the rest. But it confirms my own instincts that it’s a place outside of time but touching all time, similar to the way the concept of eternity has been described. It’s also a bit like the liminal space authors exist in as the omnipotent, omniscient gods of own subcreations. We can move back in forth in time without affecting the flow of time within the story, answer prayers in the future by creating setups in the past, insert characters and events as needed. Needless to say, the wrong person having access to such a place could wreck havoc, and I think the Story Group is going to protect it pretty fiercely. Meanwhile, I think speculations on Rey’s Forceback from TFA being related to this is actually on the nose. Same for Rey and Kylo’s Force visions in TLJ. If the Mortis gods are avatars of the Living Force (which Rey describes while meditating on the rock) then the World Between Worlds might be a concrete manifestation of the Cosmic Force which is most often encountered in visions.

OMG this is perfect. This is how I have always pictured the divine or any other omniscient force in stories. They can observe the full web of diverging possibilities while they themselves are outside and unaffected by it. But in times of desperation, they may intervene. 

I am so excited for the possibilities (with limitations of course) that this brings to the Star Wars universe.

I need to listen to this podcast right away. Yay for my long commute tomorrow!   

(Embarrassing confession time: this understanding and visual metaphor definitely came from reading Animorphs as a child and seeing how the Ellimist views various timelines…) 

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