
Obi-Wan drinking that tea and aggressively minding his own business

I distinctly remember drawing this like 3-4 days after the Last Jedi premiere: everyone was ARGUING about TLJ and I was kinda tired of it, so I went and hid in the Clone Wars side of the fandom

forever for a while lol



-never let me go-

I reached 200 followers, and it’s something I’m happy about, for how small it may seem to many people. I was planning on posting something more complex (and nakey) to celebrate, but wouldn’t it be sad if no one could see it because it’s flagged? 

So I backed up on this old reylo hug sketch with some photoshop greyscaling (it’s a tecnique that’s starting to grow on me)

hoping that you’re all haviing a good day, stay strong fellow reylos!

This is gorgeous! 🖤

Reylo Phonebook



As this site goes up in flames, the wonderful and talented @reyl-hoe suggested making a sort of “Reylo phonebook” for all of us to put our social media/ways to contact us should we all go under. 

As someone who loves spreadsheets, who loves this community, and who loves all of you, I would love to take on this task. 

@the-reylo-void, @star-beam, and whoever else was in that thread – put me down for the job. 


Since January of 2015, I have been compiling an archive of Star Wars art. So far this has been secret and precious to me, but because of the recent announcement I would like to offer my archive to all who wish for it. 

This archive may not include everyone’s work, but it does include a lot of work from artists who are no longer here, and art that may soon be unavailable. It is organized by pairing, then by artist, then by AU. 

If anyone would like access, let me know and I will find a way to get it to you. If there is something specific you are looking for, I can probably find that, too. 

This archive has several thousand pieces in it, so there’s a good chance I have it. 

(I have never and will never repost anything – this was just an archive for my own organization since I can’t be bothered to scroll through all of my likes.)

Here is a Google Form for everyone to fill out their info! The info will then be placed into corresponding spreadsheets. It will be organized by kind of content you create, or if you’re just one of those wonderful and important supporters!

I hope this helps! Please reblog to spread the form around so we can get as many people as possible! (I know that there are a few specific ones for writers and for artists, but I know of several people who don’t create content who want to stay in the loop!)

Google Form

I would also really like a link to this archive