
Obi-Wan drinking that tea and aggressively minding his own business

I distinctly remember drawing this like 3-4 days after the Last Jedi premiere: everyone was ARGUING about TLJ and I was kinda tired of it, so I went and hid in the Clone Wars side of the fandom

forever for a while lol


Star Wars except if all Jedi and Sith wore school girl uniforms.

(…were you expecting an actual explanation? ‘Cause there is none)

full view for slightly better resolution on the wide ones.


My AMAZING friend @atchamberlin commissioned this stunning wedding scene by the ever talented @pandacapuccino from my fic Written in the Stars 

In honor of this, I will be updating the WITS wedding chapter in the morning! I a can’t get over this stunning piece. Here’s a snippet for the wedding chapter… 

This hut had been the one she stayed in for the short few days that she had been on Ahch-To. This was where she had been when the bond first connected.

The caretakers must have repaired the hut after Luke had destroyed it when he walked in on her and Ben touching hands across the galaxy. The bond was an interesting entity.

Rey remembered feeling the ticklish spindles of the medical droid that had been working to remove the bandage covering the scar she had given Ben. It served as a reminder that this strange bond they shared— they could feel each other’s pain, emotions, thoughts. It would have always come down to this. They were destined to be lovers. Neither would ever be able to hurt the other without serious consequences.

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