Hi selunchen, I really like your Maroon stories but it is confusing for me to read it. Which is the Ist chapter and why so many authors? Or names writing it? I don’t know where to start and How can I subscribe to the story as one? Thanks! Hope I wasn’t a bother


Dear anon! I totally get it – a lot of time between when stuff is posted and I’m not the best at providing links. 

Question 1: what order should we read in? 

Let me help you out here. We begin here:

  1. Maroon (the comic) – Part 1 @selunchen
  2. Maroon (the comic) – Part 2 @selunchen
  3. Abandon (follows the comic immediately) – @avidvampirehunter
  4. Reunion (takes place around 3 weeks ish after the comic ) – @destinieswritten
  5. Give (sometime after all of the other stories, but I guess pretty early in their relationship) – @voicedimplosives
  6. Unnamed TBA@reyloner
  7. Unnamed TBA @selunchen

When all is done, I plan on combining it all in a lovely PDF for download!

Question 2: Why so many authors? and can you subscribe?

  • I am not much of a writer. 
  • comics take a long time! so If I was to do all the stories as art, it would take 100 years! It was nothing something I planned in the beginning, but sort of just grew as an idea as I moved through my own story – and then I just…asked.
  • The authors are some of my best pals on here, and I thought it would be fun to include them in this. 
  • there’s something super interesting about this type of collab and for me to see how they approach the material I give them. I’ve been so happy about it! Also, all of these people have different projects and asking them to write a 5-6 chapter story seemed a bit *too* much. 

In terms of subscription, I think the best approach is to follow me on twitter or tumblr. I post all the collabs here 🙂 Or maybe I’ll do a thing on Ao3. Undecided! 

Hope this was helpful ❤ 



maroon (məˈruːn/)

  1. leave (someone) trapped and alone in an inaccessible place.

A Reylo story


Kofi fuels my soulmy ignorant attempts at tweetingmy dead deviant pagemy alive Tumblr sideblog for art only


Notes: So Maroon is a story I’ve had in my head ever since I saw the Last Jedi. The story can be considered a counterpoint to Binary, both being fictional scenarios post-TLJ. 

It took me twice as long because of the usual three: lack of self-esteem, work, and social life. BUT PART 1 is HERE!

Also, first and foremost kisses and hugs to @destinieswritten for putting up with reading through *everything*. @riaria84 for being an impressive support on a *this is not good for my ego* level.

The wonderful artists @proporgo , @yamstrange , @picarito@5shiningstars for actually endulging me and giving great advice!

7 days until PART 2

Uploads Friday the 16th of November