Hi selunchen, I really like your Maroon stories but it is confusing for me to read it. Which is the Ist chapter and why so many authors? Or names writing it? I don’t know where to start and How can I subscribe to the story as one? Thanks! Hope I wasn’t a bother


Dear anon! I totally get it – a lot of time between when stuff is posted and I’m not the best at providing links. 

Question 1: what order should we read in? 

Let me help you out here. We begin here:

  1. Maroon (the comic) – Part 1 @selunchen
  2. Maroon (the comic) – Part 2 @selunchen
  3. Abandon (follows the comic immediately) – @avidvampirehunter
  4. Reunion (takes place around 3 weeks ish after the comic ) – @destinieswritten
  5. Give (sometime after all of the other stories, but I guess pretty early in their relationship) – @voicedimplosives
  6. Unnamed TBA@reyloner
  7. Unnamed TBA @selunchen

When all is done, I plan on combining it all in a lovely PDF for download!

Question 2: Why so many authors? and can you subscribe?

  • I am not much of a writer. 
  • comics take a long time! so If I was to do all the stories as art, it would take 100 years! It was nothing something I planned in the beginning, but sort of just grew as an idea as I moved through my own story – and then I just…asked.
  • The authors are some of my best pals on here, and I thought it would be fun to include them in this. 
  • there’s something super interesting about this type of collab and for me to see how they approach the material I give them. I’ve been so happy about it! Also, all of these people have different projects and asking them to write a 5-6 chapter story seemed a bit *too* much. 

In terms of subscription, I think the best approach is to follow me on twitter or tumblr. I post all the collabs here 🙂 Or maybe I’ll do a thing on Ao3. Undecided! 

Hope this was helpful ❤ 



-never let me go-

I reached 200 followers, and it’s something I’m happy about, for how small it may seem to many people. I was planning on posting something more complex (and nakey) to celebrate, but wouldn’t it be sad if no one could see it because it’s flagged? 

So I backed up on this old reylo hug sketch with some photoshop greyscaling (it’s a tecnique that’s starting to grow on me)

hoping that you’re all haviing a good day, stay strong fellow reylos!

This is gorgeous! 🖤

Blood and Sand on Crait: the Bull and the Matador… and a story of Blood in the SW movies


Disclaimer: bullfighting is a highly controversial topic. My meta is not an apology of bullfighting, I am not taking any stance in this particularly sensitive subject. I do not condone animal cruelty, and I am not trying to glorify it. I am merely illustrating what I think is an influence in the aesthetic or reference behind the duel on Crait between Luke and Kylo.

Precision: I will only focus on the movies (not the TV shows or comics, books or EU). I was going to write just on Crait but as I was working on the post, it seemed to me really important to address the theme of blood throughout the movies in order to better understand the impact of that scene. So bear with me throughout the digression about blood in Star Wars.

It starts with the idea that Crait is probably the goriest scene in all of SW in intent, if not so much in reality. Which makes it quite unique. But also seems like a logical apex in a trilogy (the ST that is) which could very well be a “trilogy of blood”.

Keep reading

i found the ultimate last jedi review: “Ridley is even more natural and commanding than in The Force Awakens. Her telepathic byplay with Driver, who radiates ashen-faced torment as Ren, crackles with sexual tension. Given the choice, it’s a coin flip whether she will kill him, coax him back to the Light Side, or avidly explore the contents of his undercloak.” – Standard


this is the most powerful series of sentences i’ve ever seen