i found the ultimate last jedi review: “Ridley is even more natural and commanding than in The Force Awakens. Her telepathic byplay with Driver, who radiates ashen-faced torment as Ren, crackles with sexual tension. Given the choice, it’s a coin flip whether she will kill him, coax him back to the Light Side, or avidly explore the contents of his undercloak.” – Standard


this is the most powerful series of sentences i’ve ever seen

Thing I want desperately in IX: Ben looks at Finn with a glimmer of amusement in his eyes and says “I guess we’re both traitors now” before they proceed to unleash hell on the First Order together. Ben could be in the Falcon and Finn could be flying another ship even, and Ben comms them a warning, and Finn’s like “Wait—is that—Solo?!” And Ben on the other line says Finn’s name very deliberately too





Also, I love the idea of Finn accidentally calling Ben “Solo,” just like his old man, and for a moment it just hitting him how much Ben actually does take after his dad.

^^ OMG I so want it too.

I want this so much 😭


Episode IX Rumors and why you shouldn’t worry

I have to admit I went to bed last night a bit worried about our wayward space son and I’m here to tell you it’s gonna be okay.

But how can I be so sure? Well as I was getting ready for work this morning, it hit me.

At the end of TLJ Hux stood over Ben’s body and debated killing him but thankfully Ben woke up. Then in the Crait Cave Hux stood outside the doorway displeased with his new Supreme Leader for not only losing the easily won scrimmage but for also humiliating him by tossing him about in the shuttle. There is no love for the Supreme Leader, and I wager that the rest of the Galaxy except those loyal to the First Order don’t feel any love either. And even then the First Order is cutthroat at best so who is loyal to Ben Solo?

The Knights of Ren

I predict that, as JJ said (paraphrasing)“EPIX would be a lot like the prequels” in that Ben Solo/Kylo Ren will take a page out of grandma Padme’s book and have loyal bodyguards. Instead of handmaidens, we get the knights. But there’s something else Padme’ was forced to do— have a body double.

By reforging his mask, Ben has the ability to hide. Not just his face but his whole self. Another Force user a KOR can take his place during negotiations or political affairs where his life is in danger.

And that my friends is why you should not fret over the new mask leak. It is not character regression or fan service. It’s character development and Ben is taking charge because he knows his life is in danger. Look at how he betrayed Snoke.

This is the son of Han and Leia who both wear disguises

I headcanon in a moment of surrender someone will make an attempt on his life. But it won’t be Kylo/Ben who dies but a loyal Knight of Ren




I can’t fucking believe that the first time we saw Kylo he looked like this:

…and the last time we saw Kylo, or Ben more accurately, was when he looked like this:

I’m crying blood

The journey from



bitter, broken cookie

Just looking at these 2 gifs juxtaposed it’s quite simple to see the development Lucasfilm is going for with this dude’s arc and predict how he’ll basically end up in IX.