
Obi-Wan drinking that tea and aggressively minding his own business

I distinctly remember drawing this like 3-4 days after the Last Jedi premiere: everyone was ARGUING about TLJ and I was kinda tired of it, so I went and hid in the Clone Wars side of the fandom

forever for a while lol

3,5, 21 :)

3. how do you take your coffee?

I don’t =P Coffee messes up my gi tract something fierce, I haven’t had any in years. But I do love tea, like A LOT. I take my tea plain most of the time, or sometimes with a little bit of honey, especially if it is a green tea. On those rare occasions where I find a really good strong English Breakfast tea and I’m in the mood for something rich, I will make “Grandma tea” which means LOTS of milk and sugar the way I used to have it at Grandma’s house when I was young ❤ 

5. museum date or aquarium date?

Oooooo museum definitely. Especially natural history or art museums.  

21. how would you describe your style?

Depends on how I am feeling about myself that day. On a good day I would say: simple, comfy, nerdy. If I’m feeling down on myself: borderline slob, doesn’t care enough. 

Thanks for the ask! I really love these games! ❤